Human Face Liveness Detection

Tractus eKYC is a product suite that consists of numerous integrated components that assist companies in implementing digital ID verification in next-generation customer journeys.

Anti-Spoofing Protecture

Defend against spoofing attempts and deter fraudsters.

Faster and Reliable

Fast and easy to pass


Liveness are stronger than passwords

How does Liveness Detection work?

Intimidate and Deter Fraudsters with Liveness Detection


Detect Human Face

Selfie Capture for Similarity Check


Reject Static Images

Blink Tracking for Liveness Check


Reject 3D Masks, Video Calls

Prevents Fraud and Fake Logins.

Tractus Liveness

Tractus has pioneered liveness detection technology to thwart fraudsters’ evolving and sophisticated attempts to assume another individual’s identity.

Starting by requiring users to take a selfie or a picture of themselves, Tractus Liveness Detection takes identity verification to the next level.